While the NCAA has been raking in billions off the play of its student athletes, studies dating back several years show some former NCAA athletes may now be suffering long-term brain injury, a risk that was never disclosed to them.
According to one recent study conducted by the Concussion Legacy Foundation (“CLF”), former players from more than one hundred (100) college football teams have been diagnosed with a very serious long-term degenerative brain injury, known as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (“CTE”). CTE is caused by repeated head trauma, which can lead to memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or other diseases later in life. According to the study conducted by the CLF, “[a]t least one former player from every other college was diagnosed with [CTE].” For example, seven players from Michigan State University, six from the University of Georgia, and four players from the Universities of Arkansas, South Carolina, San Diego State, Auburn, and Boston College all had the disease. The University of Alabama, Colorado State, the University of Michigan, Purdue, the University of Texas, UCLA, and the Universities of Washington and Wisconsin also all identified three separate cases of CTE among former players.
If you played an NCAA-sanctioned sport at an NCAA school at any time prior to July 15, 2016 and believe you are suffering (or will suffer) from the symptoms of CTE, the NCAA set up a medical monitoring program that will allow you to be screened. Players do not need to have been diagnosed with a concussion to receive treatment.
Stay tuned for more upcoming blogs about the NCAA and its responsibility for concussions. To learn more about Circelli, Walter & Young, PLLC, please visit http://www.cwylaw.com/.
1Jennifer Smith, Former Players of More than 100 College Football Teams Are Diagnosed with CTE as Experts Warn the Brain Disease Is Not Just a Risk to the NFL, DailyMail (Oct. 19, 2016), http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3853544/Players-100-college-football-teams-diagnosed-CTE-expertswarn-risk-brain-disease-professional-athletes.html
3If you wish to participate in the NCAA-sponsored Medical Monitoring Program, please visit the following website: http://www.collegeathleteconcussionsettlement.com/